

  1.在Scrapy工程下新建“middlewares.py” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 # Importing base64 library because we'll need it ONLY in case if the proxy we are going to use requires authentication import base64   # Start your middleware class class ProxyMiddleware(object): # overwrite process request def process_request(self, request, spider):...

Perl Debugger Tutorial: 10 Easy Steps to Debug Perl Program

To debug a perl program, invoke the perl debugger using “perl -d” as shown below. # perl -d ./perl_debugger.pl To understand the perl debugger commands in detail, let us create the following sample perl program (perl_debugger.pl). $ cat perl_debugger.pl #!/usr/bin/perl -w # Script to list out the filenames (in the pwd) that contains specific pattern. #Enabling slurp mode ...
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