“《孤山之歌》由早先影片中出现的一段沉郁而神秘的矮人歌谣发展而来”Neil Finn告诉《滚石》。他说他在将其修改为片尾曲时,PJ及其团队建议他进入“矮人之心”【戏仿Empire State of Mind么】。“我花了几天时间下到矿井(其实是PJ的工作室)去采风,带着曲子回来后,便和我的儿子Elroy和Liam在进了录音棚。结尾处由Dave Fridmann加入了一段大胆的混音,他很好地回应了我‘铁与砧!流行乐需要铁与砧!’的请求。...
i have been waiting for the time waiting for you to say you're mine
can't hide these feelings inside
let me hold you tonight
i really want you to know all these feelings i have to show
how much i've been loving you
tell me you'll be mine
gonna love you keep on loving you dear
i will love you till the end of time
i will be with you no matter what happens
i will be there by y...