
Understanding Extension Class Loading

Understanding Extension Class Loading The extension framework makes use of the class-loading delegation mechanism. When the runtime environment needs to load a new class for an application, it looks for the class in the following locations, in order: Bootstrap classes: the runtime classes in rt.jar, internationalization classes in i18n.jar, and others. Installed exten...


1 前言 前段时间因为项目的需要,我搞了一套类似Servlet重新载入的一个框架,实现了类的动态载入过程。本文写了一些我的学习成果以及心得供大家分享一下。 2 类载入的原理 (下面引用网上的一篇文章): 当JVM(Java虚拟机)启动时,会形成由三个类加载器组成的初始类加载器层次结构: bootstrap classloader | extension classloader | ...

Modify Classpath At Runtime

I've seen a lot of forum posts about how to modify the classpath at runtime and a lot of answers saying it can't be done. I needed to add JDBC driver JARs at runtime so I figured out the following method. The system classloader (ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()) is a subclass of URLClassLoader. It can therefore be casted into a URLClassLoader and used as one. URLClassLoade...

Get a load of that name! Subtle differences in various ways you can dynamically load a class

What is the difference between Class.forName() and ClassLoader.loadClass()? Both methods try to dynamically locate and load a java.lang.Class object corresponding to a given class name. However, their behavior differs regarding which java.lang.ClassLoader they use for class loading and whether or not the resulting Class object is initialized. The most...

Find a way out of the ClassLoader maze System, current, context? Which ClassLoader should you use?

Find a way out of the ClassLoader maze System, current, context? Which ClassLoader should you use? When should I use Thread.getContextClassLoader()? Although not frequently asked, this question is rather tough to correctly answer. It usually comes up during framework programming, when a good deal of dynamic class and resource loading goes on. In general, when loading a reso...


java使用相对路径读取xml文件:一、xml文件一般的存放位置有三个:1.放在WEB-INF下;2.xml文件放在/WEB-INF/classes目录下或classpath的jar包中;3.放在与解析它的java类同一个包中,不一定是classpath; 二、相对应的两种使用相对路径的读取方法: 方法一:(未验证)将xml文件放在WEB-INF目录下,然后程序代码:InputStream is=getServletContext().getResourceAsStream( "/WEB-INF/xmlfile.xml" ); 方法...

ajax html

ajax 时request.open("GET", url, true);request.send(null);request.onreadystatechange = addrOper; //-->这个函数不能有参数,对于有传参数的,可以function(){addroper(id);}来写 js删除节点n.parentNode.removeChild(n)document.getElementById("")返回的不是 集合 js中跳出确定对话框if(confirm("Are you sure to delete this address forever?")){ } }else{ } childNodes—返回节点到子节点的...

xampp apache tomcat

在使用Apache服务器整合Tomcat和PHP5讲 述了整合jsp和php服务的方法,但是,在应用中发现,php和mysql连接始终服务解决,总是提示:无法载入 mysql 扩展。于是,无奈下希望使用php和mysql整合更方便的apache friend的xampp套件,然后再整合tomcat达到目的。整合过程如下: 1 安装好xampp,测试PHP运行正常,安装tomcat(这里我用6.0)。下载【使用Apache服务器整合Tomcat和PHP5】附件中的apache和tomcat连...


如何选择是使用Exception还是RuntimeException呢? Java中的Exception来源于C++但是又于C++不同。C++只有一类Exception基类,但是Java有Exception和RuntimeException,虽然RuntimeException也是直接继承自Exception,两者之间的差异在于,RuntimeException可以不必在方法声明时声明,而由JVM内在的机制处理此类异常,此类异常一般意味着开发人员的编码错误等。 以下三点有助于在使用异常机制时,该如何选择...


JIT(Just-In-Time)編譯器 用來提高應用程序性能的最簡單的工具是Just-In-Time(JIT)實時編譯器。JIT是一個可將Java字節碼轉換為本地機器碼的代碼生成器。由JIT調用的Java程序,其運行速度通常要比由解釋程序執行字節碼時的速度高得多。JIT編譯器首先是在Java開發工具包(JDK™)1.1.6中作為一種性能更新出現的,而現在它是你在Java 2平台上使用Java解釋程序命令時調用的標準工具。你可以使用Java虛擬機的-D...
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