
SVN 认证失败

总是出现认证失败,百度了一下,最多的解决 办法是存成无bom的utf-8格式,或者acsii-unicode,unicod-utf-8,照着弄了弄,还是不行,后来仔细看了看系统中运行的服务,发现ssl服务开启,因为知道subclipse不支持ssl协议,只有apache方式才支持,所以赶紧停掉服务解决,看了看svnserve.conf,发现里面一行# authz-db = authz前面的#我没去掉,去掉#就认证失败了。。。 总结一下,因为ssl关系出现认证失败的...

ubuntu svn subclipse

If you are running Ubuntu 8.04 and you install Eclipse 3.4 with subclipse 1.4, you will probably get the "unable to load default svn client" error when trying to add a repository. Here it is how I solved this problem. I assume that you have the 'subversion' and 'libsvn-java' packages already installed (if not, please do install them, and then follow the instructions). 1) Go ...
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