

2013年06月30日 Uncategorized 暂无评论

“《孤山之歌》由早先影片中出现的一段沉郁而神秘的矮人歌谣发展而来”Neil Finn告诉《滚石》。他说他在将其修改为片尾曲时,PJ及其团队建议他进入“矮人之心”【戏仿Empire State of Mind么】。“我花了几天时间下到矿井(其实是PJ的工作室)去采风,带着曲子回来后,便和我的儿子Elroy和Liam在进了录音棚。结尾处由Dave Fridmann加入了一段大胆的混音,他很好地回应了我‘铁与砧!流行乐需要铁与砧!’的请求。”

Far over, the Misty Mountains rise

Leave us standing upon the height
What was before, we see once more
Is our kingdom, a distant light

Fiery mountain beneath a moon
The words unspoken: we'll be there soon
For home, a song that echoes on
And all who find us will know the tune

Some folk we never forget
Some kind we never forgive
Haven't seen the back of us yet
We will fight as long as we live

All eyes on the hidden way
To the Lonely Mountain pave
We'll ride in the gathering storm
Until we get our long forgotten gold

We lay under the Misty Mountains cold
In slumbers deep and dreams of gold
We must awake, our lives to make
And in the darkness, a torch we hold

From long ago, when lanterns burned
Until this day, our hearts we yearned
A fate unknown, the Arkenstone
What was stolen must be returned

We must awake and mend the ache
To find our song for heart and soul

Some folk we never forget
Some kind we never forgive
Haven't seen the end of it yet
We'll fight as long as we live

All eyes on the hidden door
To the Lonely Mountain borne
We'll ride in the gathering storm
'Til we get our long forgotten gold

Far away, the Misty Mountains cold



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